Jul 28, 2023

It’s a good idea for all drivers to learn how to detect early indications of transmission trouble. This will help your truck or SUV last longer and cost less to maintain. Here are the seven most common signs of a gearbox problem. If you ever experience one of these issues, don’t hesitate to get transmission repair at your nearest GMC dealer. 

Your Transmission’s Whining

Modern automatic transmissions may emit a whining sound when they develop a problem. This whining might indicate worn-out gears or something simpler like a faulty torque converter, blocked transmission line, or low transmission fluid. 

Your Gears Are Grinding

Any grinding sounds of moving parts struggling against each other may also point to insufficient fluid. Grinding can also be caused by a worn transmission linkage, a dragging clutch, or rounded-out gears. If the transmission fluid appears to be topped up and in good condition and your gearbox is still grinding, it’s best to have a technician take a look. 

Your Transmission Seems Hesitant

Hesitant or delayed shifting can point to various minor issues in an automatic transmission. The most common form of this problem is when you shift from neutral into drive and there’s a delay of several seconds. 

Once again, this problem might be caused by low or aging fluid. Delayed engagement can also result from a problem developing in the transmission’s seals, bands, solenoids, filter, or pump. 

Your Car Refuses To Shift

The proper functioning of modern transmissions requires full hydraulic pressure. A clogged filter, worn-out pump, or fluid leak may disrupt this hydraulic pressure, which could cause your gears to stick and refuse to shift. Sticking gears might also indicate more serious issues inside the planetary gear system. 

Your Gears Shift on Their Own

Slipping gears is a rather worrying problem that usually means some of the gears have become too worn down. Most commonly, when this problem develops, the first or second gears will pop into neutral on their own. This is a dangerous problem to have and requires the immediate attention of a technician. 

Your Transmission Fluid’s Leaking

Transmission fluid is vital to the healthy functioning of any car or truck. If you ever spot a dark red or brown fluid dripping under your vehicle, you most likely have leaking transmission fluid. The leak will need to be found and fixed before the insufficiently lubricated transmission suffers any worse damage.

Your GMC Dealer Finds a Problem

Periodical transmission servicing is the key to keeping your gearbox in good shape for longer. Along with checking your transmission fluid, your technician can run the transmission through various tests and is likely to notice any potential problems early on. 

Have your transmission serviced or repaired today at Hart Motors GMC. We’re a trusted local dealership with a terrific range of reliable vehicles and courteous, knowledgeable staff on hand to help.